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Description of the Contest

Eight questions are asked over the 90FM airwaves each hour. Team contestants are given the length of time for two songs to play in which to respond with an answer. Each team is given one attempt to answer. All teams that respond correctly are given an equal share of the 2000 points that a question is worth, with a minimum of 5 points and a maximum of 500 points. There are two hours during the contest when only four questions are asked. This allows us time to read all of the team standings.


Running Questions

The Running Questions are given at specific locations in Stevens Point at 7:00 A.M. both Saturday and Sunday mornings. Teams are asked to gather information within "running" distance of the meeting sight. Locations for the Running Questions are given in the Trivia Times.


Trivia Stone

The Trivia Stone is a rally, of sorts. During the contest, teams are instructed to follow a certain group of clues. These clues lead teams throughout the city and countryside, and at three times are instructed to get their Trivia Times booklet stamped. The stamps are then turned in at 6:30 Sunday evening for points. One stamp earns 50 points, two stamps 150 points, and three stamps 300 points. The first clue is given in the Trivia Times.


Music Questions

The music questions are snippets of 8 songs. There are three music questions, and each of the snippets is equivalent to one question. Question turn-in times are in your copy of The New Trivia Times. This is the booklet that you receive at the time of registration.


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